Heritage Places

Heritage Place Details

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Address Fort Largs Boulevard TAPEROO
Accuracy H - high level confidence
Development Plan Port Adelaide Enfield Council
Polygon Type B - Building footprint
Details (Known As) Fort Largs Barracks and Drill Hall
Registered Name Fort Largs Barracks and Drill Hall
Significance The Fort Largs Barracks and Drill Hall buildings are of historic significance to South Australia as an illustration of a purpose built defensive barracks, erected in direct response to urgent Commonwealth and State mobilisation initiatives and coastal defence needs directly before the Second World War. The Barracks and Drill Hall were built in 1939 as the nucleus of a reconstructed and strengthened Fort Largs - the only remaining coastal defensive battery site protecting the coast of Adelaide during the period. The Fort Largs buildings stand as places of importance within the military and political history of pre-Second World War South Australia and are in excellent condition and high in historic integrity. The position, functional layout, scale and architectural style of both buildings, within their open setting, clearly illustrate their intended purpose and the historic context of the Barracks in 1939.
Subject Index Military - Barracks
Class State
Status Code REG - Confirmed as a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register
Status Date 22-APR-2015
LGA Port Adelaide Enfield
State Heritage ID 26448
Heritage Number 27082
Section 16 a - it demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or pattern of the State's history
b - it has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of cultural significance
As listed in the SA Heritage Register
Plan Parcel & Title Information CT 6279/879 D131289 A2002,CT 6279/882 D131289 A402,CT 6287/763 D132232 A2112,CT 6287/762 D132232 A2111


While due care has been taken to ensure that the SA Heritage Places Database accurately reflects the South Australian Heritage Register and listings of Local Heritage Places in Development Plans, the State of South Australia does not accept liability for the use of the SA Heritage Database for any purpose. Users should consult the Department for Environment and Water - Heritage South Australia to confirm the listing of State Heritage Places and the relevant Development Plan for Local Heritage Places/Contributory Items.

In the majority of cases, the maps of State Heritage Places on this web site show the footprints of the most significant structures on a registered Place. However, sometimes they simply indicate the complete area of land comprising the Place. Work is proceeding to further refine the mapping of such places. It is also important to note that development control is not limited to the registered structures but extends to their setting and structures nearby (what is termed ‘development affecting’ a State Heritage Place). Hence it is vital that exact details of the listed place and implications for any proposed development be discussed with Heritage South Australia staff, as they cannot be deduced solely from the information on this web site. The inclusion of a place in the SA Heritage Register gives no right of public access. Permission to visit properties must be sought from the owners. The accuracy of the mapping of State Heritage Places is not guaranteed. Please contact Heritage SA ( https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/sa-heritage-register) if you believe there is an error.

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