Heritage Places

Heritage Place Details

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Address 274 Lady Gowrie Drive TAPEROO
Accuracy H - high level confidence
Development Plan Port Adelaide Enfield Council
Polygon Type B - Building footprint
Details (Known As) Fort Largs (including Rifled Muzzle Loading & Breech Loading Guns)
Registered Name Fort Largs
Significance Historically Fort Largs is important because it is an integral part of South Australia's early defence planning which began with the 1854 Finniss report. The subsequent perceived military threats to the young colony - mainly due to the British military engagements and colonization activities in the Pacific led the British defence experts Jervois and Scratchley to prepare a new defence strategy, the most tangible outcome of which was the building of Fort Glanville (begun 1878) and Fort Largs (begun 1883). On a national and international level, Fort Largs is important because of its association with the Imperial Army, particularly since Jervois and Scratchley were considered leading defence planners throughout the British Empire. Their work could also be found along the West Australian coast, at Port Jackson, Port Phillip Bay, Newcastle, Botany Bay, Brisbane, Hobart and Victoria Barracks. Architecturally Fort Largs is important because it represents the end of an era of coastal fortification philosophy - in terms of planning, design, and construction - spanning over three centuries. The integrity of Fort Largs is poor, because of the constant upgrading and other alterations relating to its continuous, active role as a military or para military complex. Nevertheless, most of the 19th century fabric remains, and all subsequent additions are well documented. (Condensed from L. Brasse 'Fort Largs Conservation Study' [1990])
Subject Index Military - Fortification; Military - Gun Emplacement
Class State
Status Code REG - Confirmed as a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register
Status Date 12-JAN-1984
LGA Port Adelaide Enfield
State Heritage ID 10939
Heritage Number 2988
Section 16
As listed in the SA Heritage Register
Plan Parcel & Title Information CT 6309/536 D135480 A2000,CT 6309/537 D134088 Q5632


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