Heritage Places

Heritage Place Details

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Address Rundle Street KENT TOWN
Accuracy L - low level confidence
Development Plan Norwood Payneham and St Peters Council
Polygon Type B - Building footprint
Details (Known As) Former Kent Town Brewery & Malthouse
Registered Name Malt House
Subject Index Manufacturing and processing - Brewery
Class State
Status Code REG - Confirmed as a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register
Status Date 01-SEP-1983
LGA Norwood, Payneham and St Peters
State Heritage ID 10268
Heritage Number 6100
Section 16
As listed in the SA Heritage Register
Plan Parcel & Title Information CT 5870/385 C21197 F1,CT 5870/386 C21197 F2,CT 5870/387 C21197 F3,CT 5870/388 C21197 F4,CT 5870/389 C21197 F5,CT 5870/390 C21197 F6,CT 5870/391 C21197 F7,CT 5870/392 C21197 F8,CT 5870/393 C21197 F9,CT 5870/394 C21197 F10,CT 5870/395 C21197 F11,CT 5870/396 C21197 F12,CT 5870/397 C21197 F13,CT 5870/398 C21197 F14,CT 5870/399 C21197 F15,CT 5870/400 C21197 F16,CT 5870/401 C21197 F17,CT 5870/402 C21197 F18,CT 5870/403 C21197 F19,CT 5870/404 C21197 F20,CT 5870/405 C21197 F21,CT 5870/406 C21197 F22,CT 5870/407 C21197 F23,CT 5870/408 C21197 F24,CT 5870/409 C21197 F25,CT 5870/410 C21197 F26,CT 5895/860 C21197 FCP,CT 5896/266 C21726 F101,CT 5896/267 C21726 F102,CT 5896/268 C21726 F103,CT 5896/269 C21726 F104,CT 5896/270 C21726 F105,CT 5896/271 C21726 F106,CT 5896/272 C21726 F107,CT 5896/273 C21726 F108,CT 5896/274 C21726 F109,CT 5896/275 C21726 F110,CT 5896/276 C21726 F111,CT 5896/277 C21726 F112,CT 5896/278 C21726 F113,CT 5896/279 C21726 F114,CT 5896/280 C21726 F115,CT 5896/281 C21726 F116,CT 5896/282 C21726 F117,CT 5896/283 C21726 F118,CT 5896/284 C21726 F119,CT 5896/285 C21726 F120,CT 5896/286 C21726 F121,CT 5896/287 C21726 F122,CT 5896/288 C21726 F123,CT 5896/289 C21726 F124,CT 5896/290 C21726 F125,CT 5896/291 C21726 F126,CT 5896/292 C21726 F127,CT 5896/293 C21726 F128,CT 5896/294 C21726 F129,CT 5896/295 C21726 F130,CT 5896/296 C21726 F131,CT 5896/297 C21726 F132,CT 5896/298 C21726 F133,CT 5896/299 C21726 F134,CT 5896/300 C21726 F135,CT 5896/301 C21726 F136,CT 5896/302 C21726 F137,CT 5896/303 C21726 F138,CT 5896/304 C21726 F139,CT 5896/305 C21726 F140,CT 5896/306 C21726 F141,CT 5896/307 C21726 F142,CT 5896/308 C21726 F143,CT 5896/309 C21726 F144,CT 5896/310 C21726 F145,CT 5896/311 C21726 F146,CT 5896/312 C21726 F147,CT 5896/313 C21726 FCP,CT 5870/411 C21197 F27,CT 5848/853 C20863 FCP,CT 5870/383 S21197 FCP,CT 5870/384 S21197 FCP,CT 5896/265 S21726 FCP


While due care has been taken to ensure that the SA Heritage Places Database accurately reflects the South Australian Heritage Register and listings of Local Heritage Places in Development Plans, the State of South Australia does not accept liability for the use of the SA Heritage Database for any purpose. Users should consult the Department for Environment and Water - Heritage South Australia to confirm the listing of State Heritage Places and the relevant Development Plan for Local Heritage Places/Contributory Items.

In the majority of cases, the maps of State Heritage Places on this web site show the footprints of the most significant structures on a registered Place. However, sometimes they simply indicate the complete area of land comprising the Place. Work is proceeding to further refine the mapping of such places. It is also important to note that development control is not limited to the registered structures but extends to their setting and structures nearby (what is termed ‘development affecting’ a State Heritage Place). Hence it is vital that exact details of the listed place and implications for any proposed development be discussed with Heritage South Australia staff, as they cannot be deduced solely from the information on this web site. The inclusion of a place in the SA Heritage Register gives no right of public access. Permission to visit properties must be sought from the owners. The accuracy of the mapping of State Heritage Places is not guaranteed. Please contact Heritage SA ( https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/sa-heritage-register) if you believe there is an error.

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