Heritage Places

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Heritage Places

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AddressLGADetailsClassState Heritage Place NoCouncil Reference
28128Kaurna Country, 3 - 57 Capper Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersDr Kent's Paddock Housing ComplexState26514 
566934 College Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersMid-Victorian Bluestone CottageLocal 34colleg
567036 College Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian VillaLocal 36colleg
567229 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation MansionLocal 29dequett
567330 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation MansionLocal 30dequett
567431 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation Queen Anne DwellingLocal 31dequett
567534 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation VillaLocal 34dequett
567635 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersAsymmetrical Bluestone Victorian/Edwardian VillaLocal 35dequett
567837 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersSandstone Edwardian VillaLocal 37dequett
567938 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersSandstone Edwardian VillaLocal 38dequett
609912 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersMarshall and Brougham Offices (former Dwelling)State14111 
609823 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersPrince Alfred College (Main building only)State10606 
603228 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersOffice (former Miethke House)State10544 
603333 Dequetteville Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersDwelling ('Sera House' formerly 'Duguid House')State13590 
57346 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Bluestone Victorian CottagesLocal 6flinder
57358 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Bluestone Victorian CottagesLocal 8flinder
57369 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian CottageLocal 9flinder
573710 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Victorian Stone DwellingsLocal 10flinder
573812 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Victorian Stone DwellingsLocal 10flinder
573916 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersEdwardian Sandstone & Redbrick DwellingLocal 16flinder
574018 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Masonry DwellingLocal 18-20fli
574123 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersBluestone VillaLocal 23flinde
574229 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Bluestone VillaLocal 29flinde
574354 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate-Victorian Sandstone/Redbrick VillaLocal 54flinde
574456 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate Victorian Bluestone/Redbrick VillaLocal 56flinde
603419 Flinders Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersHeadmaster's Residence (originally a private Dwelling), Prince Alfred CollegeState14135 
605611 Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersBluestone & Brick Shop & Attached DwellingLocal 11fullar
574837 Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate Victorian Bluestone VillaLocal 37fullar
575147 Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate Victorian Stone & Brick VillaLocal 47fullar
575349 Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Masonry Bridge & Red Brick Parapet to First CreekLocal 49fullar
57553/ 69 Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian ShopLocal 69fullar
603531A Fullarton Road KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersKent Town Uniting (former Wesleyan Methodist) ChurchState10543 
603625 Grenfell Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFormer Caretaker's Cottage, Kent Town Uniting ChurchState10637 
606727 Grenfell Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersKent Town Uniting Church Hall and SchoolroomState10818 
603736 Grenfell Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersOffice (former Kent Town Uniting Church Manse)State10819 
58086 King William Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersEdwardian Sandstone & Bluestone VillaLocal 6kingwil
581074 King William Street (also known as 10 College Road) KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Outbuilding & Wall (rear of property)Local 74kingwil
631518 Little Wakefield Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersBridge ParapetLocal Littlewa
583232 North Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFormer Victorian Bluestone DwellingLocal 32northt
583358 North Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Masonry CottageLocal 58northt
583460 North Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Sandstone & Bluestone VillaLocal 60northt
6039Kaurna Country, 2 North Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersRoyal HotelState13116 
604064 North Terrace KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersOffice (former Parkin College)State14148 
589517 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Bluestone & Red Brick Shop & Dwelling 'Sefton House'Local 17rundle
589621 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St Peters5 x Two Storey Victorian Bluestone RowhousesLocal 21rundle
589723 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St Peters5 x Two Storey Victorian Bluestone RowhousesLocal 23rundle
589825 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St Peters5 x Two Storey Victorian Bluestone RowhousesLocal 25rundle
589927 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St Peters5 x Two Storey Victorian Bluestone RowhousesLocal 27rundle
567729 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St Peters5 x Two Storey Victorian Bluestone RowhousesLocal 29rundle
590076 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Corner Pub 'Kent Town Hotel'Local 76rundle
590178 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersMid-Victorian Bluestone Corner Shop & DwellingLocal 78rundle
590293 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersMid Victorian Bluestone Corner Shop & DwellingLocal 93rundle
590397 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Storey Red Brick & Sandstone Victorian DwellingLocal 97rundle
590498 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation Queen Anne/Arts & Crafts Red Brick Duplex & Front FenceLocal 98rundle
5905100 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFederation Queen Anne/Arts & Crafts Red Brick Duplex & Front FenceLocal 100rundle
5906107 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Shop & DwellingLocal 107rundl
6094112-118 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersEdwardian/Federation Terrace Building Former 'Cecil Mansions'Local 112rundl
5907120 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate Victorian Sandstone DwellingLocal 120rundle
6100Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersFormer Kent Town Brewery & MalthouseState10268 
604159-61 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersDwelling and ShopState14154 
60421-2/ Kaurna Country, 90 - 92 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersTwo Attached HousesState14155 
603894-96 Rundle Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersOffice (former Dwelling)State14156 
597326 Wakefield Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersLate Victorian Red Brick & Stone DwellingLocal 26wakefi
597431 Wakefield Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Rendered Terrace Residence & FenceLocal 31wakefi
597533 Wakefield Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersVictorian Rendered Terrace Residence & FenceLocal 33wakefi
60432 Wakefield Street KENT TOWNNorwood, Payneham and St PetersDwellingState14160 


While due care has been taken to ensure that the SA Heritage Places Database accurately reflects the South Australian Heritage Register and listings of Local Heritage Places in Development Plans, the State of South Australia does not accept liability for the use of the SA Heritage Database for any purpose. Users should consult the Department for Environment and Water - Heritage South Australia to confirm the listing of State Heritage Places and the relevant Development Plan for Local Heritage Places/Contributory Items.

In the majority of cases, the maps of State Heritage Places on this web site show the footprints of the most significant structures on a registered Place. However, sometimes they simply indicate the complete area of land comprising the Place. Work is proceeding to further refine the mapping of such places. It is also important to note that development control is not limited to the registered structures but extends to their setting and structures nearby (what is termed ‘development affecting’ a State Heritage Place). Hence it is vital that exact details of the listed place and implications for any proposed development be discussed with Heritage South Australia staff, as they cannot be deduced solely from the information on this web site. The inclusion of a place in the SA Heritage Register gives no right of public access. Permission to visit properties must be sought from the owners. The accuracy of the mapping of State Heritage Places is not guaranteed. Please contact Heritage SA ( https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/sa-heritage-register) if you believe there is an error.

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