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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description:
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Other_StatesAnno (0)
Localities_Populated_APY (2)
PASTORAL_Homesteads (3)
APY Lands Label (4)
Named Place - Locality (Category 6,9) (5)
Populated Places (6)
State Borders and Coastline (25)
NPWSA Reserves (29)
Other States (32)
Other States - transparency (33)
Dog Fence (34)
Prohibited Areas - Woomera and Maralinga (37)
Other Prohibited Area (39)
Railways (40)
LEVEL ID 17 (41)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (42)
Named Poly Feature Labels (43)
Shipwreck (45)
Caisson (46)
Boat Ramp (47)
Navigation (48)
Lighthouse (49)
Spot Height (51)
Survey Beacon (52)
Tank (Other than water) (53)
Railway Station (54)
Cultural Feature (Small) (55)
Transport Infrastructure Point (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (56)
Rifle Range (61)
Levee (62)
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (63)
Coastal Infrastructure (64)
Lock, Barrage (65)
Dam, Weir (66)
Fuel Pipeline (67)
Water Pipeline (68)
Power Line (69)
Railways (70)
Cultural Feature (Large) (72)
Reeds (73)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (75)
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (76)
Watercourse (Wide) (78)
Quarry (80)
Water Tank (81)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (82)
Rock Ledge, Reef (83)
Salt Evaporation Pan (85)
Marina (87)
Large Building, Glasshouse (89)
Landing Ground (90)
Racetrack (91)
Fence (92)
Contours (93)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (94)
Builtup Area (95)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (96)
Native Vegetation (97)
LEVEL ID 16 (98)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (99)
Named Poly Feature Labels (100)
Shipwreck (102)
Caisson (103)
Boat Ramp (104)
Navigation (105)
Lighthouse (106)
Spot Height (108)
Survey Beacon (109)
Landing Ground Marker (110)
Tank (Other than water) (111)
Railway Station (112)
Cultural Feature (Small) (113)
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (114)
Rifle Range (119)
Levee (120)
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (121)
Coastal Infrastructure (122)
Lock, Barrage (123)
Dam, Weir (124)
Fuel Pipeline (125)
Water Pipeline (126)
Power Line (127)
Railways (128)
Cultural Feature (Large) (130)
Reeds (131)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (133)
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (134)
Watercourses(Wide) (136)
Quarry (138)
Water Tank (139)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (140)
Rock Ledge, Reef (141)
Salt Evaporation Pan (143)
Marina (145)
Large Building, Glasshouse (147)
Landing Ground (148)
Racetrack (149)
Fence (150)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (152)
Builtup Area (153)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (154)
Native Vegetation (155)
LEVEL ID 15 (156)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (157)
Named Poly Feature Labels (159)
Shipwreck (161)
Caisson (162)
Boat Ramp (163)
Navigation (164)
Lighthouse (165)
Spot Height (167)
Survey Beacon (168)
Landing Ground Marker (169)
Tank (Other than water) (170)
Railway Station (171)
Cultural Feature (Small) (172)
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (173)
Rifle Range (178)
Levee (179)
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (180)
Coastal Infrastructure (181)
Lock, Barrage (182)
Dam, Weir (183)
Fuel Pipeline (184)
Water Pipeline (185)
Power Line (186)
Railways (187)
Cultural Feature (Large) (189)
Reeds (190)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (192)
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (193)
Watercourse (Wide) (195)
Quarry (197)
Water Tank (198)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (199)
Rock Ledge, Reef (200)
Salt Evaporation Pan (202)
Marina (204)
Large Building, Glasshouse (206)
Landing Ground (207)
Racetrack (208)
Fence (209)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (211)
Builtup Area (212)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (213)
Native Vegetation (214)
LEVEL ID 14 (215)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (216)
Named Poly Feature Labels (218)
Shipwreck (220)
Caisson (221)
Boat Ramp (222)
Navigation (223)
Lighthouse (224)
Survey Beacon (226)
Landing Ground Marker (227)
Tank (Other than water) (228)
Railway Station (229)
Power Line (230)
Fuel Pipeline (231)
Water Pipeline (232)
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, causeway, tunnel) (233)
Rifle Range (238)
Levee (239)
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (240)
Coastal Infrastructure (241)
Lock, Barrage (242)
Dam, Weir (243)
Railways (244)
Cultural Feature (Large) (246)
Reeds (247)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (249)
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (250)
Watercourse (Wide) (252)
Water Tank (254)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (255)
Rock Ledge, Reef (256)
Salt Evaporation Pan (258)
Quarry (259)
Marina (261)
Large Building, Glasshouse (263)
Landing Ground (264)
Racetrack (265)
Fence (266)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (267)
Builtup Area (268)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (269)
Native Vegetation (270)
LEVEL ID 13 (271)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (272)
Named Poly Feature Labels (274)
Shipwrecks (275)
Caisson (276)
Boat Ramp (277)
Navigation (278)
Landing Ground Marker (279)
Tank (Other than water) (280)
Railway Station (281)
Fuel Pipeline (282)
Water Pipeline (283)
Power Line (284)
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, Causeway, Tunnel) (285)
Rifle Range (290)
Levee (291)
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (292)
Coastal Infrastructure (293)
Lock, Barrage (294)
Dam, Weir (295)
Railways (296)
Reeds (298)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Features (299)
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Features (300)
Watercourse (Wide) (302)
Quarry (304)
Water Tank (305)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (306)
Rock Ledge, Reef (307)
Salt Evaporation Pan (309)
Marina (311)
Large Building, Glasshouse (313)
Landing Ground (314)
Racetrack (315)
Fence (316)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (317)
Builtup Area (318)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (319)
Native Vegetation (320)
LEVEL ID 12 (321)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (322)
Named Poly Feature Labels (325)
Navigation (326)
Lighthouse (327)
Tank (Other than water) (328)
Railway Station (329)
Water Pipeline (330)
Fuel Pipeline (331)
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, Causeway, Tunnel) (332)
Embankments, Cuttings, Cliffs (335)
Coastal Infrastructure (336)
Lock, Barrage (337)
Dam, Weir (338)
Racetrack (341)
Fence (342)
Power Line (343)
Levee Bank (344)
Railways (345)
Landing Ground (346)
Reeds (347)
Watercourse (Wide) (349)
Water Tank (350)
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (351)
Rock Ledge, Reef (352)
Salt Evaporation Pan (354)
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (355)
Builtup Area (356)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (357)
Native Vegetation (358)
LEVEL ID 11 (359)
LEVEL ID 10 (375)
LEVEL ID 9 (391)
LEVEL ID 8 (401)
LEVEL ID 7 (410)
LEVEL ID 6 (418)
LEVEL ID 5 (424)
SA Infill (436)
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1.3884092344976425E7
YMin: -3928626.88152473
XMax: 1.640590278216029E7
YMax: -2979584.738336234
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: 1.2268321746789226E7
YMin: -5563300.95604801
XMax: 1.7199964122470666E7
YMax: -967906.9241630323
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
AntialiasingMode: Best
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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