Localities_Populated_APY (2)
PASTORAL_Homesteads (3)
APY Lands Label (4)
Named Place - Locality (Category 6,9) (5)
Gazetteer Town Names_L12to17 (7)
Localities_Populated_Null_L12to17 (8)
Localities_Populated_L12to17 (9)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Gazetteer Town Names_L11 (10)
Localities_Populated_Null_L11 (11)
Localities_Populated_L11 (12)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Gazetteer Town Names_L10 (13)
Localities_Populated_Null_L10 (14)
Localities_Populated_L10 (15)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Gazetteer Town Names_L9 (16)
Localities_Populated_Null_L9 (17)
Localities_Populated_L9 (18)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Gazetteer Town Names_L8 (19)
Localities_Populated_Null_L8 (20)
Localities_Populated_L8 (21)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Localities_Populated_Null_L7 (22)
Localities_Populated_L7 (23)
| 0 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Localities_Populated_L5to6 (24)
| 197.000000 - 608.000000 |
| 608.000001 - 2050.000000 |
| 2050.000001 - 3277.000000 |
| 3277.000001 - 5292.000000 |
| 5292.000001 - 25200.000000 |
| 25200.000001 - 1103978.000000 |
Beach Names (26)
Coastline (27)
State Borders (28)
CONSERVATION_NpwsaReserves levels 7 to 11 (30)
CONSERVATION_NpwsaReserves levels zoomed in (31)
Other States (32)
Other States - transparency (33)
Dog Fence (35)
Dog Fence (36)
Woomera Prohibited Area Label (38)
Other Prohibited Area (39)
Railways (40)
| <all other values> |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| General Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Multiple Track |
| Private Rail |
| Railway Platform |
| Railway Stopping Place |
| Single Track |
| Spur Line, Marshalling Yard |
NPWSA Reserve Labels (42)
Named Poly Feature Labels (43)
Trans Infrastructure Point (Bridge, Footbridge) (44)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Shipwreck (45)
Caisson (46)
Boat Ramp (47)
Navigation (48)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (49)
Building (50)
| 1000 Building |
| 1800 Ruin |
Spot Height (51)
| 5009 Spot Elevation |
Survey Beacon (52)
| 3801 Trigonometrical Station |
Tank (Other than water) (53)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (54)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Cultural Feature (Small) (55)
| 1469 Substation (small) |
| 1660 Windfarm Turbine |
| 3201 Mast, Tower |
| 3202 Mine |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3214 Camping Ground, caravan park |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3224 Monument |
| 3235 Minor Landmark Object |
Transport Infrastructure Point (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (56)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (57)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Highway (divided), Local; Roundabout, Highway; Roundabout, SubArterial; Roundabout, Arterial; Roundabout, Local; Roundabout, Collector; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .2mm 2016, Local |
| .2mm 2041, Local; 2041, Collector; 2041, SubArterial |
| .2mm 2043, Local |
| .2mm 2035, Undetermined; 2035, Local; 2035, Collector |
| .2mm 2017, SUBA; 2017, LOCL; 2017, COLL |
| .3mm 2013, Track2WD; 2013, Track4WD; 2013, <Null>; 2013, Local; 2013, Collector; 2013, Arterial; 2013, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2043, Track2WD |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
| .2mm 2045, Local |
| .2mm 2045, Collector |
Recreation Trails (58)
Ferry Route (59)
| Ferry Route |
Parking Bay (60)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Rifle Range (61)
| 3246 Rifle Range |
Levee (62)
| 3009 Levee |
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (63)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (64)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (65)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (66)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Fuel Pipeline (67)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Water Pipeline (68)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Power Line (69)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Railways (70)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Spur Line, Marshalling Yard |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
| Single Track |
Sand Ridge (71)
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
Cultural Feature (Large) (72)
| 1468 Substation (large) |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3221 Rubbish Dump |
| 3222 Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3234 Landmark Area |
Reeds (73)
Suburb (74)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (75)
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Waterfall |
| Waterhole, Rockhole, Natural Pool |
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (76)
| Bore or Well |
| Tank - Water |
| Dam - small |
| Hydrant |
| Standpipe |
| Static Water Supply (Fire) |
WaterBody (77)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (78)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Course (79)
| 4422 Watercourse (unclassified) |
| 4423 Braided River (unclassified) |
| 4428 Connector (general) |
| 4429 Braid Connector |
| 4810 Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch |
Quarry (80)
| 3206 Quarry |
Water Tank (81)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (82)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (83)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump,etc (84)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (85)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Rocky Outcrop, Sand Area (86)
| 5103 Rocky Outcrop |
| 5117 Sand Area |
Marina (87)
| 4826 Marina |
Mangroves (88)
| Mangrove |
Large Building, Glasshouse (89)
| 1000 Building |
| 1900 Glasshouse |
Landing Ground (90)
Racetrack (91)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (92)
| 3013 Fence |
Contours (93)
| 5002 Contour (standard); 5003 Contour (approx); 5022 Contour Join Line |
| 5005 Depression Contour (standard); 5006 Depression Contour (approx) |
| 5008 Index Contour; 5032 Index Contour (approx) |
| 5030 Index Depression Contour; 5031 Index Depression Contour (approx) |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (94)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (95)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (96)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (97)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (99)
Named Poly Feature Labels (100)
Transport Infrastructure Point (Bridge, Footbridge) (101)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Shipwreck (102)
Caisson (103)
Boat Ramp (104)
Navigation (105)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (106)
Building (107)
| 1000 Building |
| 1800 Ruin |
Spot Height (108)
| 5009 Spot Elevation |
Survey Beacon (109)
| 3801 Trigonometrical Station |
Landing Ground Marker (110)
Tank (Other than water) (111)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (112)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Cultural Feature (Small) (113)
| 1469 Substation (small) |
| 1660 Windfarm Turbine |
| 3201 Mast, Tower |
| 3202 Mine |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3214 Camping Ground, caravan park |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3224 Monument |
| 3235 Minor Landmark Object |
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (114)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (115)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Highway (divided), Local; Roundabout, Highway; Roundabout, SubArterial; Roundabout, Arterial; Roundabout, Local; Roundabout, Collector; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .2mm 2016, Local |
| .2mm 2041, Local; 2041, Collector; 2041, SubArterial |
| .2mm 2043, Local |
| .2mm 2035, Undetermined; 2035, Local; 2035, Collector |
| .2mm 2017, SUBA; 2017, LOCL; 2017, COLL |
| .3mm 2013, Track2WD; 2013, Track4WD; 2013, <Null>; 2013, Local; 2013, Collector; 2013, Arterial; 2013, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2043, Track2WD |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
| .2mm 2045, Local |
| .2mm 2045, Collector |
Recreation Trails (116)
Ferry Route (117)
| Ferry Route |
Parking Bay (118)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Rifle Range (119)
| 3246 Rifle Range |
Levee (120)
| 3009 Levee |
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (121)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (122)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (123)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (124)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Fuel Pipeline (125)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Water Pipeline (126)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Power Line (127)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Railways (128)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Spur Line, Marshalling Yard |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
| Single Track |
Sand Ridge (129)
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
Cultural Feature (Large) (130)
| 1468 Substation (large) |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3221 Rubbish Dump |
| 3222 Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3234 Landmark Area |
Reeds (131)
Suburb (132)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (133)
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Waterfall |
| Waterhole, Rockhole, Natural Pool |
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (134)
| Bore or Well |
| Tank - Water |
| Dam - small |
| Hydrant |
| Standpipe |
| Static Water Supply (Fire) |
WaterBody (135)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourses(Wide) (136)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Course (137)
| 4422 Watercourse (unclassified) |
| 4423 Braided River (unclassified) |
| 4428 Connector (general) |
| 4429 Braid Connector |
| 4810 Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch |
Quarry (138)
| 3206 Quarry |
Water Tank (139)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (140)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (141)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump,etc (142)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (143)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Rocky Outcrop, Sand Area (144)
| 5103 Rocky Outcrop |
| 5117 Sand Area |
Marina (145)
| 4826 Marina |
Mangroves (146)
| Mangrove |
Large Building, Glasshouse (147)
| 1000 Building |
| 1900 Glasshouse |
Landing Ground (148)
| 2701 Airport |
| 2702 Aerodrome |
| 2703 Landing Ground |
Racetrack (149)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (150)
| 3013 Fence |
Contours (151)
| 5002 Contour (standard); 5003 Contour (approx); 5022 Contour Join Line |
| 5005 Depression Contour (standard); 5006 Depression Contour (approx) |
| 5008 Index Contour; 5032 Index Contour (approx) |
| 5030 Index Depression Contour; 5031 Index Depression Contour (approx) |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (152)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (153)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (154)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (155)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (157)
Named Point Feature Labels (158)
Named Poly Feature Labels (159)
Transport Infrastructure Point (Bridge, Footbridge) (160)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Shipwreck (161)
Caisson (162)
Boat Ramp (163)
Navigation (164)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (165)
Building (166)
| 1000 Building |
| 1800 Ruin |
Spot Height (167)
| 5009 Spot Elevation |
Survey Beacon (168)
| 3801 Trigonometrical Station |
Landing Ground Marker (169)
Tank (Other than water) (170)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (171)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Cultural Feature (Small) (172)
| 1469 Substation (small) |
| 1660 Windfarm Turbine |
| 3201 Mast, Tower |
| 3202 Mine |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3214 Camping Ground, caravan park |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3224 Monument |
| 3235 Minor Landmark Object |
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridges, causeways, tunnels) (173)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (174)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Highway (divided), Local; Roundabout, Highway; Roundabout, SubArterial; Roundabout, Arterial; Roundabout, Local; Roundabout, Collector; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .2mm 2016, Local |
| .2mm 2041, Local; 2041, Collector; 2041, SubArterial |
| .2mm 2043, Local |
| .2mm 2035, Undetermined; 2035, Local; 2035, Collector |
| .2mm 2017, SUBA; 2017, LOCL; 2017, COLL |
| .3mm 2013, Track2WD; 2013, Track4WD; 2013, <Null>; 2013, Local; 2013, Collector; 2013, Arterial; 2013, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2043, Track2WD |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
| .2mm 2045, Local |
| .2mm 2045, Collector |
Recreation Trails (175)
Ferry Route (176)
| Ferry Route |
Parking Bay (177)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Rifle Range (178)
| 3246 Rifle Range |
Levee (179)
| 3009 Levee |
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (180)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (181)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (182)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (183)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Fuel Pipeline (184)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Water Pipeline (185)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Power Line (186)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Railways (187)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Spur Line, Marshalling Yard |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
| Single Track |
Sand Ridge (188)
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
Cultural Feature (Large) (189)
| 1468 Substation (large) |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3221 Rubbish Dump |
| 3222 Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3234 Landmark Area |
Reeds (190)
Suburb (191)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (192)
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Waterfall |
| Waterhole, Rockhole, Natural Pool |
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (193)
| Bore or Well |
| Tank - Water |
| Dam - small |
| Hydrant |
| Standpipe |
| Static Water Supply (Fire) |
WaterBody (194)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (195)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Course (196)
| 4422 Watercourse (unclassified) |
| 4423 Braided River (unclassified) |
| 4428 Connector (general) |
| 4429 Braid Connector |
| 4810 Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch |
Quarry (197)
| 3206 Quarry |
Water Tank (198)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (199)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (200)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump,etc (201)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (202)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Rocky Outcrop, Sand Area (203)
| 5103 Rocky Outcrop |
| 5117 Sand Area |
Marina (204)
| 4826 Marina |
Mangroves (205)
| Mangrove |
Large Building, Glasshouse (206)
| 1000 Building |
| 1900 Glasshouse |
Landing Ground (207)
| 2701 Airport |
| 2702 Aerodrome |
| 2703 Landing Ground |
Racetrack (208)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (209)
| 3013 Fence |
Contours (210)
| 5002 Contour (standard); 5003 Contour (approx); 5022 Contour Join Line |
| 5005 Depression Contour (standard); 5006 Depression Contour (approx) |
| 5008 Index Contour; 5032 Index Contour (approx) |
| 5030 Index Depression Contour; 5031 Index Depression Contour (approx) |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (211)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (212)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (213)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (214)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (216)
Named Point Feature Labels (217)
Named Poly Feature Labels (218)
Transport Infrastructure Point (Bridge, Footbridge) (219)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Shipwreck (220)
Caisson (221)
Boat Ramp (222)
Navigation (223)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (224)
Building (225)
| 1000 Building |
| 1800 Ruin |
Survey Beacon (226)
| 3801 Trigonometrical Station |
Landing Ground Marker (227)
Tank (Other than water) (228)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (229)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Power Line (230)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Fuel Pipeline (231)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Water Pipeline (232)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, causeway, tunnel) (233)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (234)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Highway (divided), Local; Roundabout, Highway; Roundabout, SubArterial; Roundabout, Arterial; Roundabout, Local; Roundabout, Collector; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .2mm 2016, Local |
| .2mm 2041, Local; 2041, Collector; 2041, SubArterial |
| .2mm 2043, Local |
| .2mm 2035, Undetermined; 2035, Local; 2035, Collector |
| .2mm 2017, SUBA; 2017, LOCL; 2017, COLL |
| .3mm 2013, Track2WD; 2013, Track4WD; 2013, <Null>; 2013, Local; 2013, Collector; 2013, Arterial; 2013, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2043, Track2WD |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
| .2mm 2045, Local |
| .2mm 2045, Collector |
Recreation Trails (235)
Ferry Route (236)
| Ferry Route |
Parking Bay (237)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Rifle Range (238)
| 3246 Rifle Range |
Levee (239)
| 3009 Levee |
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (240)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (241)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (242)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (243)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Railways (244)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Spur Line, Marshalling Yard |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
| Single Track |
Sand Ridge (245)
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
Cultural Feature (Large) (246)
| 1468 Substation (large) |
| 3212 Cemetery |
| 3221 Rubbish Dump |
| 3222 Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
| 3223 Silo |
| 3234 Landmark Area |
Reeds (247)
Suburb (248)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Feature (249)
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Waterfall |
| Waterhole, Rockhole, Natural Pool |
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Feature (250)
| Bore or Well |
| Tank - Water |
| Dam - small |
| Hydrant |
| Standpipe |
| Static Water Supply (Fire) |
WaterBody (251)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (252)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Course (253)
| 4422 Watercourse (unclassified) |
| 4423 Braided River (unclassified) |
| 4428 Connector (general) |
| 4429 Braid Connector |
| 4810 Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch |
Water Tank (254)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (255)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (256)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump, etc (257)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (258)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Quarry (259)
| 3206 Quarry |
Rocky Outcrop, Sand Area (260)
| 5103 Rocky Outcrop |
| 5117 Sand Area |
Marina (261)
| 4826 Marina |
Mangroves (262)
| Mangrove |
Large Building, Glasshouse (263)
| 1000 Building |
| 1900 Glasshouse |
Landing Ground (264)
| 2701 Airport |
| 2702 Aerodrome |
| 2703 Landing Ground |
Racetrack (265)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (266)
| 3013 Fence |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (267)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (268)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (269)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (270)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (272)
Named Point Feature Labels (273)
Named Poly Feature Labels (274)
Shipwrecks (275)
Caisson (276)
Boat Ramp (277)
Navigation (278)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Landing Ground Marker (279)
Tank (Other than water) (280)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (281)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Fuel Pipeline (282)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Water Pipeline (283)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Power Line (284)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, Causeway, Tunnel) (285)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (286)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Highway (divided), Local; Roundabout, Highway; Roundabout, SubArterial; Roundabout, Arterial; Roundabout, Local; Roundabout, Collector; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .2mm 2016, Local |
| .2mm 2041, Local; 2041, Collector; 2041, SubArterial |
| .2mm 2043, Local |
| .2mm 2035, Undetermined; 2035, Local; 2035, Collector |
| .2mm 2017, SUBA; 2017, LOCL; 2017, COLL |
| .3mm 2013, Track2WD; 2013, Track4WD; 2013, <Null>; 2013, Local; 2013, Collector; 2013, Arterial; 2013, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2043, Track2WD |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
| .2mm 2045, Local |
| .2mm 2045, Collector |
Recreation Trails (287)
Ferry Route (288)
| Ferry Route |
Parking Bay (289)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Rifle Range (290)
| 3246 Rifle Range |
Levee (291)
| 3009 Levee |
Embankment, Cutting, Cliff (292)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (293)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (294)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (295)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Railways (296)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
Sand Ridge (297)
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
Reeds (298)
Small Miscellaneous Natural Hydrological Features (299)
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Waterfall |
| Waterhole, Rockhole, Natural Pool |
Small Miscellaneous Cultural Hydrological Features (300)
| Bore or Well |
| Tank - Water |
| Dam - small |
| Hydrant |
| Standpipe |
| Static Water Supply (Fire) |
WaterBody (301)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (302)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Course (303)
| 4422 Watercourse (unclassified) |
| 4423 Braided River (unclassified) |
| 4428 Connector (general) |
| 4429 Braid Connector |
| 4810 Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch |
Quarry (304)
| 3206 Quarry |
Water Tank (305)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (306)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (307)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump,etc (308)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (309)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Rocky Outcrop, Sand Area (310)
| 5103 Rocky Outcrop |
| 5117 Sand Area |
Marina (311)
| 4826 Marina |
Mangroves (312)
| Mangrove |
Large Building, Glasshouse (313)
| 1000 Building |
| 1900 Glasshouse |
Landing Ground (314)
| 2701 Airport |
| 2702 Aerodrome |
| 2703 Landing Ground |
Racetrack (315)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (316)
| 3013 Fence |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (317)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (318)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (319)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (320)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (322)
Island Labels (323)
Named Point FeatureLabels (324)
Named Poly Feature Labels (325)
Navigation (326)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (327)
Tank (Other than water) (328)
| 3209 Tank (storage) other than water |
Railway Station (329)
| 2401 Stopping Place |
Water Pipeline (330)
| 4811 Pipeline - Water |
| 4849 Pipeline - Water (underground) |
Fuel Pipeline (331)
| 3005 Pipeline (other than water) |
| 3011 Underground Continuation |
Transport Infrastructure Line (Bridge, Causeway, Tunnel) (332)
| 2501 Bridge (transport) |
| 2503 Tunnel (transport) |
| 2508 Causeway (transport) |
| 2510 Footbridge |
Roads (333)
| .25mm 2037, Freeway; 2037, Collector; 2037, Arterial; 2037, SubArterial; 2037, Highway; Busway, Bus Thoroughfare |
| .5mm 2008,Highway; 2008, Arterial; 2008, Freeway |
| .5mm 2016, Highwayl; 2016, Arterial |
| .5mm 2009, Highway; 2009, Arterial |
| .35mm 2008, Collector; 2008, SubArterial |
| .35mm 2009, Collector; 2009, Subarterial |
| .35mm 2016, Collector; 2016, SubArterial |
| .3mm 2008, Local |
| .3mm 2009, Local |
| .3mm 2019, Undetermined |
Roads (CRRS) (334)
| <all other values> |
| 1; 2; 3 |
| 4; 5 |
Embankments, Cuttings, Cliffs (335)
| 2506 Embankment |
| 2507 Cutting |
| 5102 Sand Ridge |
| 5104 Cliff |
Coastal Infrastructure (336)
| 4821 seawall |
| 4822 Breakwater |
| 4823 Jetty |
| 4824 Wharf |
| 4828 boat ramp |
| 4835 Slipway |
| 4853 Mooring |
Lock, Barrage (337)
| 4820 Lock |
| 4851 Barrage |
Dam, Weir (338)
| 4801 Dam Wall, Weir |
| 4802 Dam Carrying Road |
Parking Bay (339)
| 2135 Parking Bay (sealed) |
| 2136 Parking Bay (unsealed) |
Ferry Route (340)
| Ferry Route |
Racetrack (341)
| 3245 Track (motor cycle/car racing) |
| 3247 Track (horse/harness/greyhound) |
Fence (342)
| 3013 Fence |
Power Line (343)
| 3002 Power Transmission Line |
Levee Bank (344)
| 3009 Levee |
Railways (345)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
Landing Ground (346)
| 2701 Airport |
| 2702 Aerodrome |
| 2703 Landing Ground |
Reeds (347)
WaterBody (348)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (349)
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Perennial |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, Intermittent |
| 4870 Double Line Channel, Drain, Canal, Ditch, <Null> |
| 4431 River Murray, Perennial |
| 4431 River Murray, <Null> |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Perennial |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Mainly Dry |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, Intermittent |
| 4420 Double Line Watercourse, <Null> |
Water Tank (350)
| 4850 Tank - Water |
Foreshore Flat, Intertidal Flat (351)
| 4004 Foreshore Flat/Intertidal Flat |
Rock Ledge, Reef (352)
| 4007 Rock Ledge or Reef |
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond, Rubbish Dump,etc (353)
| Rubbish Dump |
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
| Stockpile, Slag Heap, Storage Dump, Tailing Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (354)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (355)
| Native Vegetation |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Orchard - Vineyard - Irrigated |
Builtup Area (356)
Recreation Area (Large), Swimming Pool (357)
| 4814 Swimming Pool |
| 3211 Drive-in Theatre |
| 3214 Caravan Park |
| 3216 Golf Course |
| 3217 Oval |
Native Vegetation (358)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (360)
Island Labels (361)
Named Point Feature Labels (362)
Named Poly Feature Labels (363)
Navigation (364)
| Beacon |
| Lighthouse |
| Marine Navigation Light |
Lighthouse (365)
Roads (366)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| SubArterial |
| Arterial |
Roads (CRRS) (367)
| <all other values> |
| 1; 2; 3 |
| 4; 5 |
Railways (368)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
WaterBody (369)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (370)
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond (371)
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (372)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (373)
| Orchard/Vineyard |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
Builtup Area (374)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (376)
Island Labels (377)
Named Point Feature Labels (378)
Named Poly Feature Labels (379)
Navigation (380)
| Lighthouse |
Lighthouse (381)
Roads (382)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| SubArterial |
| Arterial |
Roads (CRRS) (383)
| <all other values> |
| 1; 2; 3 |
| 4; 5 |
Railways (384)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
WaterBody (385)
| 3236 Dam, Reservoir |
| 4400 Inland Water Feature |
| 4401 Lake - Perennial |
| 4402 Lake - Intermittent |
| 4403 Lake - Mainly Dry |
| 4407 Land Subject to Inundation (STI) |
| 4427 Land Subject to Flooding (STF) |
| 4812 Dam |
Watercourse (Wide) (386)
Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond (387)
| Sewerage Filtration Bed, Effluent Pond |
Salt Evaporation Pan (388)
| 4803 Salt Evaporation Pan |
Orchard, Vineyard, Plantation (Hardwood and Softwood) (389)
| Orchard/Vineyard |
| Plantation (Softwood) |
| Plantation (Hardwood) |
Builtup Areas (390)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (392)
Island Labels (393)
Named Point Feature Labels (394)
Named Poly Feature Labels (395)
Roads (396)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Arterial |
| SubArterial |
Roads (CRRS) (397)
| <all other values> |
| 1; 2; 3 |
| 4; 5 |
Railways (398)
| General Rail |
| Private Rail |
| Light Rail, Tramway |
| Disused, Abandoned, Under Construction |
| Multiple Track |
Watercourse (Wide) (399)
Lake (400)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (402)
Island Labels (403)
Named Poly Feature Labels (404)
Roads (405)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| ART |
| SubArterial |
Roads (CRRS) (406)
| <all other values> |
| 1; 2; 3 |
| 4; 5 |
Railways (407)
Watercourse (Wide) (408)
Lake (409)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (411)
Named Poly Feature Labels (412)
Roads (413)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| ART |
| SubArterial |
Roads (CRRS) (414)
Railways (415)
Watercourse (Wide) (416)
Lake (417)
Named Poly Feature Labels (419)
Roads (420)
Roads (CRRS) (421)
Watercourse (Wide) (422)
Lake (423)
NPWSA Reserve Labels (425)
Named Poly Feature Labels (426)
Roads (427)
Roads (CRRS) (428)
Watercourse (Wide) (429)
Lake (430)
South East 10m Hillshade (431)
Adelaide Hills 10m Hillshade (432)
Statewide 30m Hillshade (433)
SeaMask (434)
Statewide Hillshade 500m (435)
TOPO_SouthAust (437)
SouthAust_L7to10 (438)
SouthAust_L5to7 (439)
SeaBackground (440)